• Connecting business needs with technology

    We are passionate
    about connecting business with technology.

  • Unique systems and tailored solutions

    We create unique system taking into consideration the management's vision, budget allocations and the company's culture.

  • Well-conceived technology to boost the execution process

    We provide competitive advantages through a well-conceived use of technology.

  • Well-conceived technology to boost the execution process

    We boost your execution process.


Consulting services & Custom software development and integration

  • Areas of experience

    We aim to create solutions that offer a strategic value to your business as well as short-term returns.

    Project Management & Workflow Solutions
    CRM customization & Management Reporting tools
    Online Commuities & Data Insight Gathering
    We could refer to "online payments" in general
  • Consulting Services

    Mosaic Lab provides more than an outside consulting perspective.
    We offer services in areas covered by our own business expertise and where we are able to combine:

  • Solid analysis

    We are placing ourselves into the clients position. Each problem to be solved requires an thorrow analysis and individual solution.

    1 Business analysis
    Understanding the context before initiating the development or integration
    2 Evaluation of opportunities and risks
    Legacy systems investigation
    Improving applications or building a new solution
    3 Making an informed decision
    Building a proprietary solution or using standard software
  • The right solutions

    We work as extension to our client's team to ensure we follow common goals and interests.

    Scaling the business

    Merging entities & integrating system
    Developing a prototype for a new service

    Increasing effectivenes & efficiency

    Sales Force Automation
    Marketing & Customer Insight gathering
    Customer Service Organization

    Scope definition : Understand the business issue and project goals

    Analysis : Review characteristics. We ask a lot of questions!

    Solution wireframing : Before any development, we illustrate the solution, tailored reach the goals

  • Full service offering

    Full range of services

    • analysis of business requirements
    • deployment of the application
    • training of users

    Following your processes

    Our development approach is results-oriented, efficient and adaptable to your own development process to ensure consistency.

    Defining key parameters for an efficient process

    • technology framework & programming language
    • project management, QA and deployment methods
    • milestones, deliverables & budget
  • Expertise


    Our engineers have experience in application development and client communication. They work in close contact with you, to ensure a seamless development and hand-over.


    We are specialized in web & mobile development ranging from complex intranet applications to extranet or B2B solutions and high volume web sites with secure transactions that are built on all major technologies available today.


    Mosaic Lab has a strong experience in building highly customized solutions on top of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform. We also create our own application architecture and framework if this is the best apporach to reach the project goals.

Project Showcases

Issue - Goal - Plan - Measurable Results

Sales-Force-Automation: Quote to Project to Invoice

Automation of Salesforce processes leveraging a professional CRM platform and custom developed modules

  • Professional Services
  • Market Research
  • Replacement of legacy tools for pricing, proposal management and CRM
  • Migration of redundant data silos with customer and bidding information into central company-wide repository
  • Customization for specific product and service offering
  • Managing the change within the client's organisation with users located in multiple countries
STEP 1: Project design
  • Selection of a CRM platform acording the needs and technology choices of the client: Microsoft Dynamics CRM & AX
  • Definition main phases of the project, including data / entity modelling, custom development requirements, data migration, testing and deployment
  • Involvement of project stakeholders, contributors and approval and validation procedures
STEP 2: Development - testing - roll-out
  • Functional specification (in agile mode) and wireframing of pricing tool and document management system
  • Development of User Experience and User Inferface of custom developed modules, fitting the overall UX/UI of Dynamics CRM platform
  • Custom development in ASP.Net and integration into CRM platform
STEP 3: Technical support - consulting - updates
  • Post-roll-out support for bug-fixing, improvements and maintenance
  • Development of a mid-term roadmap for incoming feature requestes including recommendations for priorities
  • Platform improvement
Platform & tools
  • 5 tools that did not communicate integrated into 1 platform
  • Time to generate a proposal including complex pricing cut by 50%
  • Administration interface for Product Management and Finance to create products and services or manage prices by themselves, without IT ressources
  • Hand-over from sales to operations and to finance within one single workflow

SaaS: Turning a data-driven service into a product

Transforming an innovative service into a hosted self-service online application

  • Professisonal Servives
  • Market Research
  • Scalability issue with offering of complex and multi-level data-analysis
  • Increased inefficiency as datamining requires access to datasets of past projets in different formats
  • Adaptability of application to other markets with different model parameter
  • Simplification of User Experience processing data using sophisticated market research algorithms
STEP 1: Architecture & design
  • Defining the appropriate technical architecture to support the roadmap of multiple development cycles
  • Wireframing the screens
  • Normalizing the data import and export formats
  • Creation of Identity and User Interface focused on ease-of-use
STEP 2: Development, testing, deployment
  • ASP.NET development of Web-application, connected to SQL database
  • Development of client report outputs using #iText component
  • Hosting of development, QA and demo instance on proprietary server
  • Deployment and user-training
STEP 3: Maintenance
  • Migration of server into cloud hosting
  • Regular maintenance, patches and system upgrades
Platform & tools
  • Automation of data transformation process that previously involved various software, including SPSS and Excel
  • Account Manager using the tool, reducing the load on Opertions team
  • Results generated in one flow instantly, allowing different simulations to be compared on the fly (previously days of data processing)
  • Visualisation of reports supporting the decision making process

Smooth user-friendly workflow tool

Building a fluid & powerful workfow engine with easy to use UI

  • Professisonal Servives
  • Market Research
  • Automate recurrent processes that involve manager and users across different departments
  • Provide easy-to-use UI for workflow administrators without programming background
  • Allow workflows to be organized in a flexible way, without imposing restrictions onto the business
  • Support multi-level manager approval process
  • Provide reporting and statistics about tasks in various stages
STEP 1: Analysis and design
  • Understand the information flow from HelpDesk to Operations, Purchasing and Finance departments
  • Identify the triggers that move the information from one to another stage
  • Modelize the approval process and design the overall diagram with flows and stages
STEP 2: Implementation & deployment
  • Development of proprietary application in ASP.NET
  • Build special interface, allowing administrators to define new or edit existing workflows
  • Create management reports including workflow KPIs and financial & team metrics
  • Test, debug and deploy the Workflow Engine in client application environment
Platform & tools
  • Reduce information loss through seamless workflow from client service to operations and finance

Global Panel Mgt Solution

Platform approach with specific connections to external partners, lean operations organization and real-time management information.

  • From scratch creation of a web-based application targeted towards consultants and clients in luxury and premium markets
  • Standardization of a multiple-step statistical model that simulates the impact of marketing decisions for brand values
  • Adaptability of application to other markets with different model parameter
  • Handling of various import files and image formats
STEP 1: Designing process
  • Creation of user stories and mock-ups
  • Graphic design and CSS/HTML development
  • Development of standard Reports for clients with specific Simulation Results
STEP 2: Development & Deployment
  • ASP.NET development of Web-application, connected to SQL database
  • Development of client report outputs using #iText component
  • Hosting of development, QA and demo instance on proprietary server
  • Deployment and user-training
Platform & tools

About us

We thrive to create highest value to our customers by combining our experience and passion for technology.

Nicolas Metzke

Nicolas Metzke


Head of Consulting Services

Nicolas brings over twenty years of experience in Consulting, Technology Marketing, Sales and Business Development to Mosaic Lab

+33 (0)9 50 38 78 54

Andrzej Rojek

Andrzej Rojek


Head of Software Development
& Integration Services

Andrzej is a business-oriented IT professional with over eleven years of experience spanning product development, project management, web development and team management.

+48 71 72 30 310

  • Connecting business needs with technology

    We approach every project as if we were part of the client's team

    This mindset enables us and our clients to fully take advantage of working with Mosaic Lab as an external Consulting and Software Development partner, without the disadvantages of externalization.

  • Unique systems and tailored solutions

    We listen to the clients needs

    By asking project sponsors and stakeholders at the beginning of each project to share their expectations with us, we define priorities. And we try to exceed expectations whenever possible.

  • Well-conceived technology to boost the execution process

    We want tangible and measurable results

    We consider our mission to be successful once our clients are fully satisfied and the solutions we have recommended, developed and implemented have brought improvements, such as higher productivity, cost savings, or new market opportunities.

  • Unique systems and tailored solutions

    We believe in an open dialogue

    We carefully analyze the impact of every decision, because we know that investments in new processes and tools need to show a positive return in the mid term.

  • Well-conceived technology to boost the execution process

    We consider user acceptance as an important performance indicator

    The best spokesperson for expressing the quality of new CRM or ERP system are the users themselves. By measuring the acceptance level of the users, we get direct feedback about a successful implementation.

Developer profiles

Our developers do far more than writing code. They create solutions.

Our developers can be qualified as senior level with individually more than 5 to 10 experience.

Beyond Microsoft Developer Certifaction, which they hold, we encourage every team member to explore the latest and greatest technology on their own.

From Web to Mobile, from platform customization to developing our own architecture, our team membres continuously demonstrate that unleashing client value requires strong commitment, good cooperation as a team and with the client and the permanent reseach to leverage technology for the business needs.

Job Opportunities

Mosaic Lab team members are our most valuable asset.

We want to encourage you to contact us to explore opportunities if you have at least two years experience as consultant, manager or software engineer and are developing a solid track record in any of the domains we cover in our Consulting and Software Development and Integration offer.

Please send us an email at career@mosaic-lab.com.

Open positions

PHP back-end developerWrocław

Poszukujemy Programisty PHP z doświadczeniem w tworzeniu aplikacji i usług webowych. Jeżeli posiadasz doświadczenie w pracy ze złożonymi systemami w języku PHP, to dołącz do naszego zespołu i weź udział w ciekawym, innowacyjnym projekcie eCommerce, nad którymi pracujemy.

Zakres obowiązków:

  • Projektowanie i programowanie aplikacji i usług opartych o PHP (Symfony, Propel) na platformie Spryker;
  • Analiza i opracowywanie rozwiązań technicznych tworzonych aplikacji, analiza wymagań oraz bezpośredni kontakt z klientem z Europy.


  • Dobra znajomość języka PHP oraz zasad tworzenia aplikacji i usług webowych z wykorzystaniem Symfony2, poparta co najmniej 3-letnim doświadczeniem z PHP;
  • Umiejętność pracy z relacyjnymi bazami danych (MySQL);
  • Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie;
  • Doświadczenie w pracy z systemem kontroli wersji Git;
  • Mile widziane doświadczenie z rozwiązaniami eCommerce;
  • Wykształcenie wyższe;
  • Umiejętność analitycznego myślenia, komunikatywność i zaangażowanie, umiejętność współpracy w zespole.

Nasza oferta:

  • Praca z najnowszymi technologiami, udział w międzynarodowych projektach;
  • Doskonała atmosfera i warunki pracy w nowym biurowcu Botanica Residence w centrum Wrocławia;
  • Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie;
  • Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony (po okresie próbnym) w pełnym wymiarze godzin;
  • Elastyczny czas pracy z możliwością pracy zdalnej.
  • Możliwość wyjazdów służbowych i pracy w naszej siedzibie w Paryżu.

Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o przesyłanie CV (koniecznie w języku angielskim) na adres career@mosaic-lab.com z dopiskiem w tytule Programista PHP.

Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli:
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. (Dz.U. 2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926 r. ze zm.).

Informujemy, iż administratorem danych dobrowolnie podanych jest Mosaic Lab S.A.S. (spółka uproszczona) Oddział w Polsce z siedzibą we Wrocławiu, ul. Sienkiewicza 34a/19. Dane nie będą udostępnianie innym podmiotom. Ma Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania i usunięcia.

Projektant Programista ASP.NET Wrocław

Poszukujemy Programisty ASP.NET z doświadczeniem w tworzeniu aplikacji webowych. Jeżeli posiadasz doświadczenie w pracy ze złożonymi serwisami i narzędziami na platformie .NET, to dołącz do naszego zespołu i weź udział w ciekawych projektach B2B, nad którymi pracujemy.

Zakres obowiązków:

  • Projektowanie i programowanie aplikacji i narzędzi dla przedsiębiorstw opartych na technologiach Microsoft – ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework i innych;
  • Analiza i opracowywanie rozwiązań technicznych tworzonych aplikacji, analiza wymagań oraz bezpośredni kontakt z klientami z USA i Europy.


  • Dobra znajomość języka C# oraz zasad tworzenia aplikacji i usług webowych w ASP.NET MVC z wykorzystaniem Entity Framework, poparta co najmniej 2-letnim doświadczeniem z platformą .NET;
  • Praktyczna znajomość nowoczesnych technologii webowych takich jak HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular i inne;
  • Umiejętność pracy z relacyjnymi bazami danych (MS SQL Server);
  • Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie;
  • Doświadczenie w pracy z systemami kontroli wersji (SubVersion, Git);
  • Wykształcenie wyższe;
  • Umiejętność analitycznego myślenia, komunikatywność i zaangażowanie, umiejętność współpracy w zespole.

Nasza oferta:

  • Praca z najnowszymi technologiami wspomagającymi pracę dużych, międzynarodowych firm;
  • Doskonała atmosfera i warunki pracy w nowym biurowcu Botanica Residence w centrum Wrocławia;
  • Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie;
  • Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony (po okresie próbnym) w pełnym wymiarze godzin;
  • Elastyczny czas pracy z możliwością pracy zdalnej.

Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o przesyłanie CV (koniecznie w języku angielskim) na adres career@mosaic-lab.com z dopiskiem w tytule Projektant Programista ASP.NET.

Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli:
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. (Dz.U. 2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926 r. ze zm.).

Informujemy, iż administratorem danych dobrowolnie podanych jest Mosaic Lab S.A.S. (spółka uproszczona) Oddział w Polsce z siedzibą we Wrocławiu, ul. Sienkiewicza 34a/19. Dane nie będą udostępnianie innym podmiotom. Ma Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania i usunięcia.


Get in touch


office at mosaic-lab dot com
+33 (0)9 50 38 78 54
+33 (0)9 55 38 78 54
2 bis rue Tiphaine
75015 Paris


info at mosaic-lab dot com
+48 71 72 30 310
+48 71 72 30 320
Sienkiewicza 34A/19
50-335 Wrocław

Mosaic Lab offers an integrated range of services from consulting to custom software development and integration. Our objective is to provide added value through customized, high quality services and generate benefits to the client by connecting business and technology.

© 2025 Mosaic Lab SAS